Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday, November 25: Planning a bridge (Mat session)

I read the Bridges article from The Three Billy Goats Gruff big book to the children. We went over the different types of bridges: girder, arch, suspension; the history of bridges; materials used; and purposes. I asked the children who had had to cross a bridge to come to school.

Oliver: I had to go over one, and it's a type of bridge that opens sometimes. To let boats through. There's water under it and we go across it.

Stella: When we went to Rottnest we had to go under a bridge, not over it. It was really dark and we had to switch our lights on.

Sam: I like that bridge (pointing to a picture of the Sydney Harbour Bridge). It's a steel one.

Chloe (pointing to a wood and rope bridge): I have been on that bridge before. It had some wood and some ropes.

Kealeigh (pointing to a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge): My uncle went to that bridge. It's famous.

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