Monday, November 24, 2014

Friday, October 31: Adding Up With Grendel (Single sample)

We read the story Grendel by David Lucas as a class. The children engaged well with the story, which  complemented Halloween nicely even though that wasn't my intention.

After reading and connecting with the story through questions, comments and a brainstorm of what the children would wish for if they also had 3 wishes, we did some adding up.

Each child was given a sheet on which they were to add on more chocolates for Grendel to receive when he made his fateful wish. There were tokens on the table to give the children tactile assistance in figuring out their final result.

Most children got the idea of adding on more and making one big group with the sum total.

Sam insisted that his result should be 22, so I asked him to count out 22 tokens, set aside the 1 initial egg that Grendel had, and then work out how many to put into the other two boxes. Because of the large number, this task took nearly 10 minutes as he changed the variables in both boxes a few times. He eventually found a combination that satisfied him and wrote/drew this on the sheet.

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